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6 Different Types of clutter

  6 Different Types of clutter Clutter can quickly accumulate in our fast-paced lives, making…

Embrace Plastic Free July: A Step Towards a Greener Future with Project B Green

July is not just another month; it’s a global movement towards sustainability. Plastic Free July…

7 Things Not To Do When Decluttering

Decluttering can transform your living space into a more organized, peaceful, and functional environment. However,…

The Environmental Impact of Donating with Project B Green

At Project B Green, we’re passionate about protecting the planet while giving back to our…

Give Back and Declutter
Give Back and Declutter: The Benefits of Donating to Project B Green

Are you tired of clutter taking over your home? Instead of tossing out those gently…

Decluttering your digital space
The Art of Decluttering: Your Digital Space

Welcome back to our decluttering blog series! In today’s digital age, clutter isn’t just confined…

The Art of Decluttering: Your Wardrobe
The Art of Decluttering: Your Wardrobe

Welcome back to our decluttering blog series! In this installment, we’re going to tackle one of the…

The Art of Decluttering
The Art of Decluttering: Getting Started

Many charities offer receipts for your generous donations that you can claim on your taxes.…

7 Myths About the Charitable Donation Process Debunked
7 Myths About the Charitable Donation Process Debunked

There are many misconceptions about the charitable donation process. Discover the truths about these debunked…

Helpful Tips for Living a More Sustainable Life
Helpful Tips for Living a More Sustainable Life

Helping keep our world beautiful is a shared effort that requires going green. With these…