4 Clothing Organization Tips To Make Your Move Easier

4 Clothing Organization Tips To Make Your Move Easier

Moving into a new home entails a lot of work. You need to pack up everything in your current home, sort your belongings, and donate what you no longer need. Your closet is one of the many areas you’ll have to sort through. Below we’ve laid out some top clothing organization tips to make your move easier.

Know What You’ll Have Room For

Before placing your clothing into bins, determine how much room you’ll have in the new home. Will you have more or less closet space? Noting this gives you a better idea of how much you’ll need to part with. For example, a young adult moving out of their parent’s house and into a studio apartment may have to take more time sorting through their items. Whereas, a couple buying their forever home may only need a few days.

Don’t do every closet in a single day. This can become stressful and can make purging old items less efficient. Instead, do one closet per day so you can take time to sort through things and organize everything you plan to keep.

Clear Out Your Closet

The next step is creating a pile of all the clothing you no longer want or need. To keep the process simple, evaluate:

  • When you last wore the item
  • Whether it has sentimental value
  • If it still fits properly

As you come across clothing you haven’t worn in over a year, or items that no longer fit, it’s likely safe to say you won’t miss it. Place all the clothing, shoes, and other things you plan to donate into a bag or box so it doesn’t get mixed up with the items you’ll take with you.

Find a Charity

Once you’ve sorted your clothing, you’ll need to seek an organization to donate them to. Project B Green accepts in-kind charitable donations and partners with charities in Northern Virginia, the District of Columbia, and Maryland. We’ll happily take the gently used clothing you no longer want as you declutter before moving day!

Pack Up Your Belongings

Try to keep the items you’ll be taking with you separate from what you plan to donate. For instance, you could leave the clothing you want to keep hanging in the closet until after you’ve packed away the donatable goods. This helps prevent you from accidentally placing items in the wrong pile.

When the time comes, place the clothing you’ll take to the new house into labeled bins. You could pack according to clothing type—formal, casual, pajamas, etc.—or seasonality. What matters most is sticking to one organization method, so you can easily find items when you unpack.

Do a Final Check

The final moving tip for organizing clothing is to do a once-over. In other words, look through your closets and verify that you’ve emptied each of them. You may also want to review your donation pile and your keep pile. Doing so can give you the peace of mind you’ll need to focus on the exciting journey ahead as you make your new house a home.

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